Being a WOMAN…Talking about a woman’s life is a story never described and never known to the male world. Her world remains a mystery, even when we think and believe that we really know her. We can I know better the story written with the heart by the hand of a woman. Is it possible that there is a woman who does not want a beautiful life like in fairy tales, but which remains only as a dream, because inside them another story is hidden, where else they look and live differently, just as only they know how to succeed in their lives. Among them lives and breathes a woman named wife and mother, she also dreamed and still dreams of another life, not like the one here has brought unfortunate fate. Freedom and desires were deprived from the day he got married, even though he had thought and desired married life as the creation of a family and a new life, but he was also afraid that what he read and heard in other horror stories. He was married because the woman had to get married, and not to talk about her staying, who took it, who did something, without knowing what. She got married just to say did she have a wedding, yes she did, because she had dreamed otherwise. she passed marriage as a magnificent and different thing. This woman came to terms with a completely different world as she had lived and did not complain when she barely managed to bring something good to the table, and was insulted and laughed at by fate for not knowing to do anything. This woman followed and waited anxiously for hours for her fate when she was late even though her courtesy was humiliated and despised. This woman stayed awake for hours day and night taking care of the children when they were and were not well, and she was still smart and ready for the needs and desires that her fate demanded of her in time and out of time. This woman tried to provide for her family even a little income to help her fate by saving and completely forgetting herself as protective and loyal pillar, even in spite of the lack of trust and appreciation towards her. This tough woman oy kept her silent and tearless for the sake of the children, even when her fate mercilessly raised its hand on her. This woman smiled and why did she never enjoy a gift or a romantic dinner outside the house from her fate. This woman looked lost and became happy thinking that she had never once enjoyed the clinking of glasses on the table, but only fear and care that it does not happen, as happened many times, the spoon falls from her hand or she gulps from the morsel in her throat, and hear the words heavy with fate, incapable, you can’t get enough of anything. This woman who feels freedom in her loneliness when she goes out without having the luck to shake the hand of her fate once on the street and in the eyes of others as she still dreams with eyes open and closed. This woman who challenges them and many others like these, and still faces and lives with them, how can I believe and hope in her future and in this unlucky fate that she has and lives as if dead among the living. Tell me, you honorable and respected people of this page full of history, sadness, joy, advice and hope of our life. What should this woman do like many other Albanian women.