Ma ne fund ja arrita qellimit, por me burrin nuk po e di a me u nda apo me...

I finally achieved my goal, but with my husband I don’t know whether he broke up with me or…

The story of my life. Approximately my life and my sufferings, we were 3 sisters with my mother and father in a small town and one brother married with two children where I live with a yard, but the brother worked as a good salary, I separate them from my parents We, my sisters, were young. My father was a low wage earner. We were in a difficult economic situation. I lived together in a house, now I was employed in the administration, we got married in a village where the husband also worked second, where we had several sisters-in-law, parents and you. Oh, the best life went to us in the community, you had freedom. but then Linda had two daughters one after the other. the worst thing happened to my husband, he went to prison… and I had to drive your two daughters to work with difficulty. son, take care as much as you can. but the problem begins as to who cares about nothing ..the fact that I had no one to support me except my parents, pensioners who were not strong, that’s how old I was, no one. But at work I had very good friends, that job kept me going. I take care of the child for life. Well, when my father first came on vacation, I remained a mother to my 3rd daughter for a few days. an obir in the city had bought it. I took a long-term bank loan and built a small 3-room house.. my work friends and the whole community helped me build a house in 1981. in October 1981, I entered the house, what did we fix, but I had water inside my phone and I lived with my child and my mother..I missed traveling..I took my child to the city where they had a school nearby and I had my job and my mother and I lived a normal life without problems..after a while I got divorced and I still got pregnant with my 4th daughter..but I was at my house and my mother went to my brother when I got divorced. My mother had a pension and I took my brother..my grandmother passed well because the child was loved by them. a lot. But I missed you a lot, I learned with you.. but oh well, I started a second job, a good job. After a while, I started. he used to go to the village a lot and those parents are full, think sell the house and take me to the village and take me and the girls to school, what a horror. It was stable and you wanted me to work for them even though my brother was working. Yes, he freely agreed to teach me and help you.. Well, I decided not to. You came and you were interested in my child, but at that time I was fired from my job. He was crying about home and was nervous.. you had talked to a friend from abroad and he asked me if we were going.. yes, you told him that for the girls to get an education because they learned a lot… we went to the country and settled for two years, one of his brothers came, but not so close, so the child studied very well and it was worth it to be sent from the place of birth, because of the normal poverty and so on my life when you improved with the normal source that the problems of our family and this was for my own children but I only listen to myself I finally achieved my goal when my child left school and I did many courses and worked for several years.. the children all work for their own families, children and normal conditions. I’m a pensioner, we’re second in the world.. Life goes to others and my husband’s brothers look at their own families as if nobody cares about this. I don’t care about this.. but in the end I’m good at old age, the main thing is that life. My life as a child was difficult, but I had two good parents, and the whole town had a couple for people on the ground. But at that time, there was only one boy. I had a difficult life. I am economically independent. We depend on no one, but we gain independence from your hand, your strength, your work is satisfying (halal). some Albanians are very unfair. Tell me how you viewed this case as a condition.