I’m paying for the mistake I left you, I have a husband and children but my heart is empty, if we had met by chance I wouldn’t have waited two minutes…-Hello, you wanted to tell me a story of mine and I asked you if it’s possible to send an anonymous mail my story? I want to apologize to him that only he and I know how to share. Please forgive me! I’m writing this for the one who gave me smiles and love and offered me more than I deserved, but I was young and I didn’t think like I do today, so I want to ask for forgiveness and if you read it, please forgive me, I’m sorry that I was wrong and I am paying for that mistake now with my empty heart without you. Reading the different stories here, I also decided as an anonymous person to write my story and tell you about my suffering that I inflicted on myself without thinking carefully. I am a I am a woman over 50 years old, I have children and a husband, but my heart is empty, and I know that many of you have insults, but you want to take me out. that made me happy and gave me the opportunity to smile from my heart once in my life, but now I’m suffering. I was young, educated by my parents, I went to school in a good direction in the capital and I didn’t even care who wanted me or had me I’m sorry, but I wanted to finish my education and continue to the faculty to find a job somewhere in the future, and often when you think like that, it doesn’t happen. The war started and like all refugees, we went with our families to a European country and stayed there for a while until our parents decided to return to our homeland and start where we were. I left my life. During the time we stayed in the west, I met a boy who we started as a friend and he was really a kind boy and respected me so much that sometimes I couldn’t believe how he started to take my heart, but how did I allow myself that part but his impression left me guessing and I started to give up. There in that place I met some other Albanian women and some natives of that country that we used to communicate with and I told you that I started to have feelings for this boy and I told you who he is then with photos of the scheme behind the smart furniture but something it bothered my friends that they, especially the Albanian ones, started with different comments with one word to invite me from that boy when those local friends told me to look at my soul and heart and how to express myself. I somehow remained in a part of my life, so to speak, a little confused that I listened to you because I wasn’t so determined to get married when I left school halfway through, but it’s still good to have a crush or a man who you can lean on him when you need someone to understand. My friends advised me so much that I often got on my nerves when the advice was like scolding from a parent and I wanted advice not scolding. One said to me, are you stupid, he doesn’t live in this city, where do you know what you do there, the other said to me, he is funny, how many women are behind you, and Nashti has a child, and the spot shows, the other said, look at the most beautiful woman than you, you are beautiful it’s good and this skoka like you. They were confusing me with how my parents treated me, and I started to believe that every time we went to school there for a language course, they didn’t let me know my topic and they didn’t let me go, and they took me away from that boy. I finally believed you that maybe they got it right when a boy from abroad was in question, because I thought that especially those who grew up there, I said that they know how men behave, and I left here. Believe me, sister, when I told them that it’s okay I didn’t talk to you and you didn’t even text me, I started crying as if you were a child and I cried in my heart because he told me things that weren’t true at all, but you only told him as far away from me as possible. Oh God, forgive me for doing that and now I am writing with tears about what a fool I was and what a mistake I made with them. even better, you found me good, you left me, and when I told you about this, your eyes filled with tears, because they had it after a day, what is true love, and what a sin it is for me to hurt someone. Albanians used to say no to strangers, scan feelings. Oh sister, open your eyes and don’t believe everyone because there are many friends who don’t even know what they’re talking about. Did I tell you about your love since then? When I came back to my hometown, I lost contact with you because I had blocked the number, the messenger came out and tried to call me, but even there I was blocked because you were doing something. Whose house is the block, the one who loved me with all his heart and yes, time will never return. Over the years, I met another boy and he liked me well and I thought I was more comfortable with him and I lived with my family, once we got engaged and after graduating from the faculty I got married. We have children, housing and everything, but now I am empty in my heart and I don’t know if I committed a sin that I broke that boy’s heart or what, but I am telling you from an empty heart that that man who works for you and does not give up knows that he loves you and by God, don’t think that you are more satisfied with the other person than I am writing this from my experience.